Thursday, May 24

What up?

A lot of people keep asking ‘What are the rest of the Mannings doing?’ Well, here we go:

The kids and I are having a blast. I haven’t cut the cord yet (on the electric lawn mower that is.) For the first time in my life I mowed the grass. This is where I thank my two big brothers for keeping me from that chore. I don’t think I’ll use the weed eater, which is probably good since Mike doesn’t let me use the big knives in the kitchen. We have also planted a vegetable garden and a few marigolds. The kids are my big helpers when it comes to grocery shopping. They eat their way through the store while I repeatedly tell them ‘no’ to all the junk food that has the bright colors and pictures of TV characters on them. However, one might ask if life is different without Mike? The answer is a big ’YES!’ Since Mike does all the eating the grocery shopping is much easier now. Sorry to the fire stations that are hosting Mike – he’s your bottomless pit now. Without so much eating going on the dishwasher doesn’t have to be run 3X per day. Laundry is much less frequent. Mike’s clothes are much bigger than the rest of the family’s and take up more room in the washer.

All the silliness aside, we miss our PaPa! We support him 100% but still miss him. We’ll see you in a month. Keep bringing those smiles to everyone. You are doing an amazing thing!

As Billy G says, “Stay Safe” and Siarnicki says “Everyone Goes Home.”

We love you PaPa!

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